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Welcome to Jr. High English! The goal is to teach your student the importance of
grammar and punctuation, handwriting, vocabulary, and lead them to becoming
composers and orators in the study of the English language.

What is ELAR?

ELAR stands for English, Language Arts, and Reading. This year in Junior High
we will be studying composition and communication in English including the
importance of the inclusion of grammar and punctuation.

Many topics we will be studying in ELAR include: Oral Language, Vocabulary,
Fluency, Comprehension, Genres, Literary Elements, Author's Craft, Self-
Sustained Reading, Response Skills, Writing Process, Genre and Composition,
and Inquiry and Research.

All junior high school students are participating in Accelerated Reader (AR).
9 week goal:
6th Grade 30 points
7th Grade 35 points
8th Grade 40 points


If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact

I can also be reached via Remind
6th Grade: @k9f36b
7th Grade: @47f7ea9
8th Grade @479ekh

*Lessons and Assignments are subject to change*


6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade \


Important Dates

  • Students are given time to read in the morning and at the end of the day. Please make sure your child has a book to read at all times.